Pharmaceutical Historian - Instructions
for Contributors
Material submitted for publication should be sent as a Word document attached to an email addressed to Illustrations in the form of photographs, tables, boxes and line drawings are welcome. They should be sent as individual attachments. The names and initials of up to three authors should be given. Any more should be followed by et al.
Articles and short communications must be accompanied by a 100 word abstract in English. A second abstract not exceeding 100 words in a language other than English may also be submitted. Articles and short communications should normally have introduction and conclusion sections.
The Vancouver style of references used by the Pharmaceutical Journal or British Medical Journal must be used. See for details.
Italics should be used in the text and references only for the titles of journals and books and for the names of organisms. References and notes should appear in numerical order in the text, with a numbered list presented under Endnotes and References at the end of the article rather than as footnotes.
Journal titles
Journal titles should be abbreviated according to the Index Medicus Abbreviations of Journal Titles List. See for details. Thus use Bull Hist Med for Bulletin of the History of Medicine, and Med Hist for Medical History. However, to avoid confusion the titles of journals that are not included in this list should be given in full. These include Pharmaceutical Historian, Pharmacy in History, Pharmaceutical Journal and Chemist & Druggist. The references should be presented in the form:
Duffin, CJ. Establishing the provenance of a medicine chest belonging to Sir Walter Raleigh (c1552-1618). Pharmaceutical Historian. 2017; 47(2): 33-38.
Hudson, B. and Boylan, M. The School of Pharmacy University of London: Medicines, Science and Society. London: Academic Press, 2013: 76.
Chapters in edited books
Anderson, SC. The Historical Context of Pharmacy and Pharmacy Practice. In Taylor, K and Harding, G (eds). Pharmacy Practice, Second Edition. London: Taylor and Francis, 2016: 3-32.
Give the place of publication before the name of the publisher, and use words for the edition. Where the author of a reference is unknown preceed the title with Anon.
Repeated references
The journal does not used the notations ibid or op cit. When repeating an earlier reference use a new number in the text and the following format under Endnotes and References:
Hudson, B. and Boylan, M. (Note 10) 2013: 77.
Use the same format where the reference is the same as the one immediately above but on a different page:
Hudson, B. and Boylan, M. (Note 10) 2013: 78.
Errors and omissions in original references
When reproducing extracts from original sources that contain a different form of spelling to modern English insert [sic] after the word concerned rather than some other mark. Where additional words are needed to make sense of the quotation insert these between [ ] at the appropriate place.
Layout and abbreviations
Sub-headings at regular intervals are recommended. Capital letters should only be used for proper names such as people or places. Abbreviations should normally be avoided; ‘for example’ not e.g., ‘thus’ not i.e. and ‘amongst others’ not etc. Full stops should not be used if the abbreviation itself does not have one, as in eds, dr and profs.
Full dates should be presented in the form ‘27 September 1867’. The years of birth and death of individuals should be presented in the form 1845-1923.
Weights and measures
Weights, measures and currency in historic units should be accompanied by a means of conversion to modern and SI units where appropriate.
Illustrations of the highest possible resolution may be sent in any graphical format such as tif, jpg or gif. Original photographs should be scanned as jpg or pdf files. Graphs, histograms, and related figures should normally be sent in Excel. Boxes should be submitted as Word files. Each figure, table or box should be sent as a separate file, not embedded in the text. ‘Insert Figure 1 about here’ should appear in the text. The files should be sent as email attachments.
Submissions should be accompanied by a single Word file containing the captions for all figures, tables and boxes. They should be presented in italics, and the source should be stated where appropriate. The preferred style is:
Figure 2. Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector of England (Source: Cromwell Museum, Huntingdon, UK)
Submissions should be accompanied by the name and address of the author(s) and an e-mail address. These will normally be added at the end of the article unless otherwise indicated. Authors are asked to indicate their academic affiliation or state ‘independent researcher’ as appropriate.
Peer review
Papers are accepted on the understanding that they are subject to peer review and editorial revision to conform to the style of the Pharmaceutical Historian. Unless agreed with the editor the material should not have been published elsewhere.
Additional contributions
Short reviews of books, notes on documents and sources, letters suitable for publication, photographs and other illustrations relating to the history of pharmacy will also be considered.
Papers are accepted for publication on the understanding that the copyright is transferred to the BSHP. Readers may make single copies of articles for their personal use. Permission should be requested from the editor to make multiple copies or to re-publish material.
Material submitted for publication should be sent as a Word document attached to an email addressed to Illustrations in the form of photographs, tables, boxes and line drawings are welcome. They should be sent as individual attachments. The names and initials of up to three authors should be given. Any more should be followed by et al.
Articles and short communications must be accompanied by a 100 word abstract in English. A second abstract not exceeding 100 words in a language other than English may also be submitted. Articles and short communications should normally have introduction and conclusion sections.
The Vancouver style of references used by the Pharmaceutical Journal or British Medical Journal must be used. See for details.
Italics should be used in the text and references only for the titles of journals and books and for the names of organisms. References and notes should appear in numerical order in the text, with a numbered list presented under Endnotes and References at the end of the article rather than as footnotes.
Journal titles
Journal titles should be abbreviated according to the Index Medicus Abbreviations of Journal Titles List. See for details. Thus use Bull Hist Med for Bulletin of the History of Medicine, and Med Hist for Medical History. However, to avoid confusion the titles of journals that are not included in this list should be given in full. These include Pharmaceutical Historian, Pharmacy in History, Pharmaceutical Journal and Chemist & Druggist. The references should be presented in the form:
Duffin, CJ. Establishing the provenance of a medicine chest belonging to Sir Walter Raleigh (c1552-1618). Pharmaceutical Historian. 2017; 47(2): 33-38.
Hudson, B. and Boylan, M. The School of Pharmacy University of London: Medicines, Science and Society. London: Academic Press, 2013: 76.
Chapters in edited books
Anderson, SC. The Historical Context of Pharmacy and Pharmacy Practice. In Taylor, K and Harding, G (eds). Pharmacy Practice, Second Edition. London: Taylor and Francis, 2016: 3-32.
Give the place of publication before the name of the publisher, and use words for the edition. Where the author of a reference is unknown preceed the title with Anon.
Repeated references
The journal does not used the notations ibid or op cit. When repeating an earlier reference use a new number in the text and the following format under Endnotes and References:
Hudson, B. and Boylan, M. (Note 10) 2013: 77.
Use the same format where the reference is the same as the one immediately above but on a different page:
Hudson, B. and Boylan, M. (Note 10) 2013: 78.
Errors and omissions in original references
When reproducing extracts from original sources that contain a different form of spelling to modern English insert [sic] after the word concerned rather than some other mark. Where additional words are needed to make sense of the quotation insert these between [ ] at the appropriate place.
Layout and abbreviations
Sub-headings at regular intervals are recommended. Capital letters should only be used for proper names such as people or places. Abbreviations should normally be avoided; ‘for example’ not e.g., ‘thus’ not i.e. and ‘amongst others’ not etc. Full stops should not be used if the abbreviation itself does not have one, as in eds, dr and profs.
Full dates should be presented in the form ‘27 September 1867’. The years of birth and death of individuals should be presented in the form 1845-1923.
Weights and measures
Weights, measures and currency in historic units should be accompanied by a means of conversion to modern and SI units where appropriate.
Illustrations of the highest possible resolution may be sent in any graphical format such as tif, jpg or gif. Original photographs should be scanned as jpg or pdf files. Graphs, histograms, and related figures should normally be sent in Excel. Boxes should be submitted as Word files. Each figure, table or box should be sent as a separate file, not embedded in the text. ‘Insert Figure 1 about here’ should appear in the text. The files should be sent as email attachments.
Submissions should be accompanied by a single Word file containing the captions for all figures, tables and boxes. They should be presented in italics, and the source should be stated where appropriate. The preferred style is:
Figure 2. Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector of England (Source: Cromwell Museum, Huntingdon, UK)
Submissions should be accompanied by the name and address of the author(s) and an e-mail address. These will normally be added at the end of the article unless otherwise indicated. Authors are asked to indicate their academic affiliation or state ‘independent researcher’ as appropriate.
Peer review
Papers are accepted on the understanding that they are subject to peer review and editorial revision to conform to the style of the Pharmaceutical Historian. Unless agreed with the editor the material should not have been published elsewhere.
Additional contributions
Short reviews of books, notes on documents and sources, letters suitable for publication, photographs and other illustrations relating to the history of pharmacy will also be considered.
Papers are accepted for publication on the understanding that the copyright is transferred to the BSHP. Readers may make single copies of articles for their personal use. Permission should be requested from the editor to make multiple copies or to re-publish material.