The Pharmaceutical Historian is one of the key benefits of membership of the British Society for the History of Pharmacy. This professional journal on the history of pharmacy was first published in 1967. At first it appeared intermittently, but it has been published on a regular quarterly basis since 1972. The complete archive from 1967-2016 has been digitised and is available online on an open access basis.
Cumulative indexes are produced at regular intervals [Click here to download the indexes].
Articles in English are invited on any aspect of the history of pharmacy. Contributions are carefully peer reviewed and edited to ensure that the journal remains a high quality publication. Articles are indexed in Medline (the US National Library of Medicine database) as Pharm Hist (Lond), as well as in Scopus, Embase and PubPharm. Please see the "Instructions for Contributors" for more details about how to submit material for publication. The Pharmaceutical Historian fully supports internationally accepted high standards in publication. Please read our policy statements here.
From Volume 47 Number 2 the journal
assumed the subtitle 'an International Journal for the History of
Pharmacy.' This reflects some exciting recent developments for us.
Firstly, it acknowledges a new publishing agreement between ourselves
and the International Society for the History of Pharmacy (ISHP).
Secondly, the journal is now available on the
distribution platform. Going online also allows the use of colour for
the first time. Printed copies continue to be sent to BSHP members. They
can also be made available to ISHP member organisations that wish to
purchase copies from the publisher for distribution to their own
Editor: | Editorial Board | |
Stuart Anderson, UK | Bruno Bonnemain, France | Dusanka Krainovic, Serbia |
John Crellin, Canada | Olivier Lafont, France | |
Zsabolz Dobson, Hungary | Francois Ledermann, Switzerland | |
Chris Duffin, UK | Mark Nesbitt, UK | |
Axel Helmstaedter, Germany | Christiane Staiger, Germany | |
Greg Higby, USA | Halil Tekiner, Turkey | |
Christa Kletter, Austria | Ainley Wade, UK |
Online Issues 2017
Archive 1967-2016
Indexes 1967-2020
Instructions for Contributors